Hiking from Erste to Herdecke
This Sunday, I thought I was not going to organize a hike, because I thought I would start my trip around Europe this weekend. As it turned out, I was starting a week later, so I made something very quickly. Especially the weather forecast didn’t look particularly good for this weekend, I thought it would be a good idea to plan something very easy. And so, we came to Schwerte, which lies next to Dortmund, and pretty much the end of the VRR area. I had this route for a very very long time. I guess I just didn’t notice it, because it’s kind of far from anywhere.
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Since it was so far from Düsseldorf, I was not really expecting a lot of people. I was wrong. Maybe it was because of the weather.

The first part went along the river. I thought we would see more nature very quickly. We went ahead and ahead. There was only this stupid concrete road, with a lot of horrible E bikers. Probably I should have paid more attention when I posted the event, but it was all flat almost until the middle point. As we could actually see the sun pretty much all the time, it felt sort of stupid to walk there like that. I was carrying several layers of jacket for no reason. Oh my goodness.
But at least I chose a great location for the break. It was this one famous monument, which we visited some time ago as well. It would have been really perfect only if the view over the surrounding area had been better (it’s a very industrial area, so you know what it is like…).

The weather started getting worse after the break. Actually it even started raining sporadically. At the same time, we started really hiking in that area. It could have been exactly other around. Anyway it was not quite as boring as the first part anymore, so it was good.

I guess most of us felt somewhat unchallenged after today’s hike. Maybe that’s the reason why most of the people came to Dortmund with us to go to an Arabic restaurant. We were easily 20 people overwhelming this small restaurant. Well, they hosted us nicely anyway.
So, I’ll be travelling for a few weeks from next week. So far, it looks like the next hike that I plan is going to be towards the end of April. Until then 🙂

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