Hiking report

Hiking from Hochdahl to Haan!

Happy new year! We now entered the fourth consecutive year since we started going hiking. It’s almost a wonder that we’re still doing it, and also that we never do the same trail twice. As it looks right now, this tradition is going to continue this year. It’s so nice to have something that we can still look forward to.

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Well, just as every year, the beginning of the year is unfortunately quite cold. So today, we had a rather normal winter hike, going from Hochdahl to Haan, which is not quite an area that we visit in summer, so in the end it might have been a good experience.

Even though the weather was not quite promising (it didn’t rain though), there were 55 people signing up for the event on CS. Maybe because there was not hike for two weeks, or maybe simply because there is nothing going on at the beginning of the year. As for me, it was actually really nice to walk in a really easy area after having hiked in Japan. I hope I could share the same feeling with all those new people today.

Just as it was to be expected for a winter hike, we had to go through civilisation for some time at the beginning. There was a nice mixture of nature paths and city in Hochdahl though, so that it was not particularly uncomfortable to be there. There wasn’t much traffic either. If it had been in summer it would have been nonsense, but for a day like today it was pretty okay.

But then we had also forest, even if it looked rather empty with all those trees without leaves. Despite my initial expectations, it was not entirely flat either. There was nothing like a hill, but still we were not bored to death for lack of slopes today.

We had a break at Zwölf Apostel, where we also had a break at one recent hike. Since it was not very cold today, most of us had a break outside. I got inside only to have a cup of coffee. A nice cozy place with too many people inside.

And today’s hike went to a peaceful end like this. As we saw last time, there was nothing in Haan and there was no possibility of having ice cream or coffee or whatever afterwards, so we simply went back to Düsseldorf directly.

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